I begin this with a heartfelt, "I couldn't be more proud.'' My excitement goes beyond the introduction of our eye-catching new logo. This rebrand represents a significant milestone, signalling the beginning of a carefully defined business strategy. This critical moment is accompanied and supported by the promotion of three key members of our senior management team – Joe, Tom and Alan – to the company board, signposting a new direction for Resero.
Thinking back to when I started working aged 16 in 1975. Fast forward to 2023, and here I am, hitting 65 in July; diving into the challenge of rebranding the company. People say it's the trickiest thing to do in business, but why not embrace a bit of change?
Unlike many of my peers I have not followed a conventional career path, leaving school with an ‘O’ level in history, and pretty much a failure in every other subject, not only meant that University was not an option, but technical college was also out of the question. Luckily my father knew someone that could offer me a job in his factory, and so my working life begun. All of the careers advice in the world does not prepare you for the hard graft of working in a factory, man-handling boxes in the warehouse was my first job, 8am-4pm Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings as needed. I think £12.00 was my first weekly wage (a pint of mild was 17p), and I had a certificate to drive a stacker truck before I got my driving license!
Like many before me that hard graft was the wake-up call I needed. Air conditioning was about to become commonplace in offices and shops and the long, warm summer of 1976 accelerated its demand. This gave me an opportunity, the company I was working for wanted to move into the sector and they asked me to enter an apprenticeship as a ‘Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineer’. The rest, as they say, is history, but for me it was the start of a journey that has led me to the role of Managing Director of the technical asset management consultancy that was EVORA EDGE, and is, as of today, Resero.
At the start of 2023 the senior management team were again debating the problems of there being two EVORA’s in our sector, EVORA Global and EVORA EDGE. ‘EDGE’ started life as a sister company to ‘Global’ but after only a few years the two separated, with Andrew Cooper and myself completing a management buyout of the former in 2020. Both businesses have gone on to thrive, but we continued to encounter confusion amongst clients over our respective titles. The name change was something that Andrew and I had always found a good reason to put on the back burner – COVID being the most recent one. So, when we discussed it again at the beginning of 2023, I was surprised when our now Projects Director, Joe Gubats, said words to the effect of, “Just get on with it, we know it needs sorting!” And we all nodded in agreement. No more excuses; just get on with it!
Perhaps easier said than done, but you don’t spend as long as I have at work without building up a list of trusted contacts and in this instance my first call was to Russ Avery at Avery & Brown. I’ve known Russ since we worked together at EVORA Global and recalled he was instrumental in their brand and marketing efforts. The wheels were put in motion and Avery & Brown have very much held our hand throughout.
We soon discovered, it's not just a case of picking a name and then get on with changing your letterhead! As you start to consider the implications you quickly realise that deciding the new name is just a small part of a rebrand. Deep questions were asked about our market position, our beliefs, ethics, ethos, and ambitions. Workshop sessions were set up with our core team members to explore ideas, and slowly, a brand strategy emerged. Throughout, it was vital for me as MD for this to be a collective process. I wanted to understand what others thought about the company, and I wanted us to have a shared understanding of our market positioning and future strategy.
After many months of hard work, we arrived back at that all important question: "What are we going to call it?''
This was the fun bit. Head of Marketing, Judy Cooper and the Avery & Brown team spent weeks researching names and concepts. (It's fair to say that any name you think of has probably been already taken, along with the all-important domain name!) ‘Resero' started out as one possibility among others, but it slowly lodged itself in our minds. Its meaning ‘to unlock, reveal’ aligned well with our work as consultants, and as the brand imaging started to emerge, we grew to love the look and feel of the new visual identity.
Seeing the website for the first time was a real ‘wow’ moment – Beth Barnett at A&B has done a great job. Making a corporate video was another new experience for me and whilst I cringed seeing myself on camera, I was really proud to see other team members step up and enthusiastically take part.
Finally, it would be remiss of me not to mention Holly Champion, who joined us as our marketing apprentice in 2022, and has pretty much led on coordination between everyone to get things done, whilst the rest of us have got on with our day jobs.
Time will tell if this rebrand is a success, but I know for certain the team could not have worked harder, or been more committed, to get us to launch day. The good ship Resero sets sail in January 2024; happy for you to join us on the ride!